5. If applicable, enter coupon code information in the "Have a coupon?" section and click on "Apply Coupon"
a. Credit Card - please enter the credit card number, expiration date, and CVV information
b. Purchase Order - please enter the purchase order number. You may also upload a copy of your purchase order for reference.
c. Check - Select the "Purchase Order" under "Payment Method" and enter the "Check" under the "Purchase Order Number" section (please also indicate the check number if available)
10. Please review the terms and conditions and check the box off and click "Continue"
11. Review order details
12. Click on "Place Your Order." A copy of your invoice will be emailed (please allow a few minutes for the email to generate).
Still Need Help? Please contact the Client Relations team by calling our customer service phone number between the hours of 10:00am EST and 4:00pm EST Monday through Friday at 857-284-7570 and select option 5. You may also contact the Client Relations team via email at help@centeringhealthcare.org.
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